Sneaking green veggies into the kids, and they don't even know it!
Score one point for mama!
I love when I have a Pinterest success. I really do. I love it even more, when it's something good for my kiddos. I saw a PIN for Zucchini Bread Muffins. I've had Zucchini bread before, but never tried to make it myself. After I read the recipe, I knew I could do this. Very simple ingredients, very simple recipe, and very yummy muffins. However, don't answer the telephone when you're measuring and pouring - you might add too much baking soda ;)
Ingredients gathered:

Zucchini prepped and ready for steaming.
Steaming zucchinis!!
Well, two zucchinis pureed made 1 1/2 cups.
The recipe called for 2 cups. None the less, it still came out good.
No, really, it did.
The batter, all dried ingredients &
wet ingredients mixed together.
Can't tell it has something GREEN & healthy in it!!
The end result.
I actually took a FINAL picture,
can you believe it?

The muffins came out moist and sweet. As soon as the man came home he ate one, and said it was delicious. (biased opinion) I was slightly hesitant to try one, because I knew I had put a tad bit too much baking soda. That's what happens when you answer the telephone while measuring. Who better to be my guinea pig than my other half right? Then the true taste tester came home. The tweenage girl child, who would DIE if anything green touched her lips! She ate THREE! After the third one, not consecutively, I broke down and told her it had a special ingredient. She refused to believe me. When I told her what the secret was she said, "Well you better do that more often mom!" WOW! If that's the only way I can get her to consume green food, then so be it. Another PIN success in the books!
<3 One happy mama!